Determiners adalah kata yang diletakkan di depan nomina (nouns) yang berfungsi sebagai penanda (noun markers) yang memperjelas makna nomina tersebut. Misalnya kata “people” yang berarti orang, jika ditambah “these” di depannya menjadi “these people”, maka kita menjadi lebih tahu “people” yang mana yang dimaksud. Dan jika dikatakan “a lot of people”, maka kita tahu bahwa yang dimaksud adalah “people” yang jumlahnya banyak.
Yang termasuk dalam kategori determiners adalah sebagai berikut:
- Articles (the, a, an)
- Demonstratives (this, that, these, those)
- Possessives (my, your, his, her, its, our, their)
- Quantifiers (a few, a little, much, many, a lot of, most, some, any, enough, etc.)
- Numbers (one, ten, thirty, etc.)
- Distributives (all, both, half, either, neither, each, every)
- Difference words (other, another)
- Question words (which, what, whose)
- Defining words (which, whose)
Contoh soal:
1. He doesn't have (much / many) money
2. I would like (a few / little) salt on my vegetables
3. She bought (that / those) cards last night
4. There are (less / fewer) students in this room than in the next room
5. There is (too much / too many) bad news on television tonight
6. I don't want (these / this) water
7. This is (too many / too much) information to learn
8. A (few / little) people left early
9. Would you like (less / fewer) coffe than this?
10. This jacket costs (too much / too many)
Yang termasuk dalam kategori determiners adalah sebagai berikut:
- Articles (the, a, an)
- Demonstratives (this, that, these, those)
- Possessives (my, your, his, her, its, our, their)
- Quantifiers (a few, a little, much, many, a lot of, most, some, any, enough, etc.)
- Numbers (one, ten, thirty, etc.)
- Distributives (all, both, half, either, neither, each, every)
- Difference words (other, another)
- Question words (which, what, whose)
- Defining words (which, whose)
Contoh soal:
1. He doesn't have (much / many) money
2. I would like (a few / little) salt on my vegetables
3. She bought (that / those) cards last night
4. There are (less / fewer) students in this room than in the next room
5. There is (too much / too many) bad news on television tonight
6. I don't want (these / this) water
7. This is (too many / too much) information to learn
8. A (few / little) people left early
9. Would you like (less / fewer) coffe than this?
10. This jacket costs (too much / too many)