Minggu, 27 Desember 2009

Surat Lamaran

Surat mempunyai peran yang sangat pentin dalam hidup atau kegiatan kita. Surat digunakan untuk menyampaikan berita atau sesuatu denga tulisan.

       The main part of a latter :
  • Kepala surat (heading)
Kepala surat terdapat nama dan alamat sipengirim. contoh :
Herpinus saramo
2, Jalan Kemanggisan

  • Tanggal (date)
Tanggal terdapat tanda koma (,) antara bulan dan tahun. contohnya :
May 3rd,2009
  • Alamat dalam surat (inside address)
Alamat diletakkan setelah tanggal. contohnya :
Shinta 38, Jalan H. Ung
  • Salam pembuka (salutation)
Salam pembuka untuk kata pertama sebelum body.. terdapat tanda koma (,) untuk sistem inggris sedangkan untuk sistem Amerika tanda (:) titik dua. contohnya :
Dear Shinta,
My dear Shinta,

  • Tubuh surat (body of the letter)
Tubuh surat itu merupakan isi dari surat tersebut. maksud kita menulis surat tersebut untuk apa. kita harus spesifik dalam menuliskan suratnya. 
  • Salam penutup (complementary close)
Salam penutup untuk menutup surat tersebut. terdapat tempat yang tepat dalam slam penutup yaitu di sebelah sisi kanan kertas bagian bawah. contohnya:

Your loving son
Your sincerely
Sincerely yours 

  • Tanda tangan (signature)
 Tanda tagan dengan pulpen dengan jela dan rapih. sebaiknya warna tinta yang digunakan yaitu warna hitam

Contoh surat lamaran

Jakarta, November 16th, 2009

PO BOX 3633

For the attention of the HRD Manager

Dear Sir,

Re.:  Application for  “Supporting Staff (SST)”

I reply to your advertisement in Kompas dated 13th November 2009 that your company has an opening for  “Supporting Staff (SST)” and I would like to apply for that position.

I am 21 years old, single and excellent health, I have just obtained my Diploma in Informatic Management on Computer Faculty from University of Gunadarma.

It is my biggest dream to join in your company with such a challenge. Giving my self-tremendous experience is more likely to be the perfect reason why I highlight my choice on working with your team, full of ideas and dedication. I have great attitude and also familiar with personal computer and I am able to work in a team or work individually. Furthermore I am a fast learner and have good interpersonal communication and willing to work hard under pressure. In a short note, you may be sure that I am the one you are looking for.

Completing my application enclosed with my curriculum vitae, copy of academic transcript, copy of certificates, ID(KTP), copy of health certificates and recent my photograph for your consideration. I would be glad to be invited for an interview at your convenience time. I am looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.

Sincerely Yours,

Linda Yulia Surasnaya

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